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DITL Ministry Home

Delighting in the Lord Ministries exists to encourage women in their pursuit and walk with God. Through Bible studies, Biblical teaching and blog posts, we pray DITL is a resource for women seeking to know Jesus, walk with Jesus and be transformed by the power of His Word. 


The one thing I ask of the Lord - 

the thing I seek most - 

is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,

Delighting in the Lord's perfections

and meditating in His temple. 

Psalm 27:4

The Gospel of Mark: Learning from Jesus the Life of Servanthood and Sacrifice

In-person Bible study on The Gospel of Mark meets at Calvary Chapel Chester Springs in Exton, PA every other Thursday from September through May. Small discussion groups meet from 10-11:30am and 7-8:30pm. Registration is open to all women in the local area.

To register email

Study available here

Verse-by-verse women’s Bible study resources. Each study follows the Delighting in the Lord R.E.A.D. approach which guides you through the verses with induction and deduction questions. With this study approach you will answer questions for content, context, and understanding as well as apply the verses to your life. Homework takes about 1-2 hours a week.

A new study format is found in the Mark study called Simply READ. The Simply READ series follows the R.E.A.D. approach but in a shorter format.

If you would like to watch any of the recorded messages from the previous studies, you can do so by clicking the above box. Another web page will open at our church's website. Here you can listen and watch teachings for any of the DITL studies.