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Background on the Ministry

Background on the Delighting in the Lord ministry. Story of how God brought two women together with a common love for Jesus, His Word and seeing lives transformed by Him. 

In 2006, Stacy and Brenda were separately called by the Lord to begin ministering to women. Stacy began teaching a Thursday morning Bible study for women at her home church, Calvary Chapel Chester Springs. Each Thursday the ladies met for Bible teaching and small group discussion. Meanwhile, Brenda began a traveling teaching ministry called Life Applications Ministries. Their paths would not cross for two more years. What they did not know was God would form a partnership to fulfill both of their callings, together, in a way neither of them would have foreseen. God was laying the groundwork for the Delighting in the Lord Ministry.

In 2008, Stacy asked Brenda to join the Thursday Bible study as a small group leader. The small group leaders helped with the teaching load, and this became the first year that Stacy and Brenda ministered together.

For the next two years, Brenda and Stacy taught the women who gathered on Thursday mornings using Bible study materials from other Calvary Chapel churches and authors. In 2010, Stacy was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and Brenda became more hands-on in the women’s ministry. It was during that year that God planted the writing seeds in Stacy’s and Brenda’s hearts. Sensing the Lord’s direction to study the book of Matthew the following year, Brenda and Stacy searched for a women’s Bible study on Matthew. They found nothing that covered the whole book in a verse-by-verse format, with emphasis on life applications. As Stacy prayed seeking God’s direction, God continued speaking to her heart, telling her to “write the study.” With much fear and trepidation, Stacy shared this with Brenda who then also began diligently praying for God’s direction. As Brenda sought the Lord, He gave her the READ format vision, and then He gave them both Psalm 27:4 which became their ministry verse and foundation: 

“The one thing I ask of the Lord, the thing I seek most, is to live in the house of the Lord all my life, 
delighting in the Lord’s perfections, and meditating in His temple.”

Psalm 27:4 NLT 

After much prayer and with the faith to believe that, since God called them, He would equip them, the Delighting in the Lord Bible Study Series was birthed that year.

2011 was spent studying and writing “Delighting in the King,” a women’s Bible study on the book of Matthew. God brought many key people to support the work, including our Pastor, Chris Swansen, who read every page of the study for Biblical accuracy. Additionally, God brought grammatical editors, and a graphic designer who offer their gifts for the work of the Lord.

The next year, upon suggestion from the ladies attending the Thursday morning study, the teaching sessions were video recorded and the church began putting all the materials online. These teaching videos are available at Since then, God has used Brenda and Stacy to teach His Word, both in written and spoken form to the women who gather together on Thursday mornings, as well as to women online, individuals, and those in other study groups and churches.

What began as a simple “Yes, God” became a ministry that teaches God’s Word to women, drawing out His truths and life applications. They are simply two women who love Jesus with their whole hearts and lives. Since its beginnings in 2011, Stacy and Brenda have written verse-by-verse Bible studies on over 12 books of the Bible. Many of the studies can be purchased on Amazon. Stacy and Brenda do not profit off the sales of any of the studies choosing to have all the proceeds go to the spread of the gospel. All of the studies can also be downloaded for free and used personally or corporately.