Steps of Salvation
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? If not, Jesus loves you. Here are the steps of salvation for anyone desiring a personal relationship with Jesus.
God desires a personal relationship with you. Maybe you’ve never heard that before. He loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for you. In His love for you, God provided His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the perfect sacrifice for your sin. When Jesus was crucified on the cross nearly 2,000 years ago, God put the sins of the whole world onto His perfect Son, Jesus, so that through Him you’d have forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus paid the penalty for your sin and provided a way to God.
The first step in receiving the forgiveness Jesus offers is by acknowledging you have lived your life apart from Him. You have followed your own motives and desires. In God’s eyes, this is sin. Sin carries eternal consequences and separation from God. Salvation begins with repentance. Everyone must recognize they are sinful human beings in need of a Savior. Jesus is the answer to our sin problem. If you have never prayed to Jesus to ask Him into your heart, it is a simple prayer of acknowledging your faith in Jesus and asking Him to forgive you of your sins.
The conversation with God is like this...
“Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and have lived my life doing what I want. You are perfectly holy, and I am not. My sin grieves You and separates me from You. Please forgive me.”
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
“I believe that You provided Jesus Christ as the answer for my sin through His death on the cross. He paid my sin debt in full. He is my perfect substitute. Because of Him, I am cleansed forever from my sin.”
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
“Lord, please come into my heart and life. From this day forward, I desire to know You more and want to begin a personal relationship with You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for Your free gift of salvation and that I am no longer separated from You but am filled with You by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
“Thank You, God, for forgiving me. Please help me to grow to know You better and to live a life that pleases You from this day forward. Amen.”
If you have prayed to accept Christ as your Savior, please tell someone today! Share this exciting news with us, a close Christian friend or your pastor. They will be thrilled to encourage you in your faith and your decision to follow Jesus!