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Speaking Inquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in having Brenda and Stacy speak at your event! They are grateful that you would consider them. To help our team serve you best and respond to your inquiry in a timely manner, please submit the following information and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Brenda and Stacy do not have a speaking fee or honorarium expectation. If your fellowship would like to give an honorarium, they ask that the honorariums be given independently to Brenda and/or Stacy as the Lord may lead. They do ask that their travel expenses are covered. 

Additionally, Brenda and Stacy have 4 session retreats on the following, should you need a seminar or retreat theme. They will also prepare new messages on a verse or theme of your choosing. 

Abounding Hope: Romans 15:13 and the life of Ruth 
God’s Faithfulness in the Peaks and Valleys: 1 Kings 17-19
Magnify: Psalm 34:3 and Paul’s example
Trusting God: Proverbs 3:5-6 and Hannah’s example