The R.E.A.D. Approach
All of the Delighting in the Lord studies use a study model we developed called R.E.A.D. This model takes you from reading the verses, to experiencing and understanding the details of the verses, on to applying them to your life, and finishing with delighting in God. The DITL studies are all verse-by-verse in their approach, allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture as you study. Our hope in writing these studies is that you will learn to understand the Bible and the heart of God. Each week of study takes you through the R.E.A.D. approach. The homework averages 1-2 hours of study time per week.
Luke 24:45 tells us that “He [Jesus] opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.” After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared before His disciples on numerous occasions. He spoke these words to them shortly before ascending into heaven. Jesus helped them understand the Scriptures; all that had been written in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms to that point.
It is the same for us. Jesus will open our understanding to the Bible.
For this reason, we encourage you to start in prayer every time you approach God’s Word. Ask God to open your mind to His understanding, to make His Word clear to you, and to reveal to you an understanding of who He is.
R—Receiving God’s Word
With each week of study, start by reading the designated verses from beginning to end. This will help you understand the big picture of what is being said as well as see the context. You may see consistencies, repeated words, and themes being developed. Read slowly and thoughtfully.
E—Experiencing God’s Word
The Experiencing portion is where you will interact with God through His Word to gain spiritual understanding. This section will help you answer the questions, “Who, what, where, when, and why.” To do this you will go verse-by-verse answering inductive and deductive questions. You will observe details, see connections, and interpret what is being said within context so that you can draw conclusions. There might also be questions that have you looking in other books of the Bible. Our hope is for you to see God’s cohesive voice throughout Scripture.
Each week’s verses are usually broken into smaller sections called Experience 1, Experience 2, and so forth. You may choose to do all of these sections at one sitting or space them out throughout the week.
A—Acting on God’s Word
In this part of the study, you will be applying the verses to your life. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Through the Holy Spirit, God’s Word will speak to the deep places of your life.
In this section, you will examine personal applications relating to the themes and points in the Experiencing section of the study. Don’t neglect this section. Be prayerful and allow God to speak to you personally.
D—Delighting in God’s Word
Our ministry’s foundational verse is Psalm 27:4. This verse tells us to delight in the Lord’s perfections and to meditate in His temple. In this final section, you will end by praising God for who He is.