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Breast Cancer

In April 2010, Stacy Davis found a lump in her right breast later to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. She wrote on a personal blog entitled "His Way, Not Mine" during her diagnosis, treatment, surgery and reconstruction. The blog posts have since been moved to Delighting in the Lord in the hopes of ministering to anyone walking through breast cancer. 

Round 5 Complete

Stacy Davis

(Previously published October 23, 2010)

Chemo #5 

Sorry it has taken me two days to update. I have just emerged from bed today! Thanks to each of you for checking in on me following my last chemo treatment. Overall, chemo went smoothly, but truly it wiped me out for a day and a half. 

My body took to the Taxol just fine. No reaction. Which I praise God for. That was my prayer going into it. "Lord, if you desire this drug to be used to fight my cancer, then please allow my body to receive it." All went well. 

The hardest part honestly, was the Benadryl. Before the chemo gets infused, I have to have about 40 minutes of IV pre-meds. These include Emmend (anti-nausea), an infusion of steriods, and this time, a bag of Benadryl was added to ward off a reaction to the Taxolchemo drug. Now if you have ever taken liquid Benadryl then you know, it makes you a bit sleepy. Well, try getting it put directly into your veins. It is a whole different story. I had all these great intentions on using those 4 hours wisely and frankly, God had a different plan. I truly was to just sit still. 

My sweet nurse said I may begin to feel a bit loopy and sleepy after the Benadryl. That was an understatement. Barclay came to sit with me for the first hour or so of the infusion, just in case my body had an adverse reaction. After the Benadryl, I could barely hold a conversation. I was so out of it. I had to force my mind to stay focused on each word. After awhile, I just succumbed to the medicine and had to close my eyes for a bit. 

The Taxol went in just fine. Praise God. It was a long afternoon. I didn't get home until after 5:00 and went straight to bed. The evening of my infusions are always the worst. My body fights with all it has to combat the drugs. I was wiped out. Literally. 

On Friday, it was much of the same. It was the first time since chemo that I wasn't really able to get out of bed all day. My body was just depleted of energy. Thankfully, a sweet friend again had offered to take Faith and Jed overnight from Thursday to Friday which was a huge blessing. On Friday, school was conducted from my bed, as the older boys would come in with questions. And dinner was so graciously brought in again both nights, helping to alleviate the load. 

My oncologist had said that with Taxol, the nausea is lessened, but instead, on day 2 flu-like aches can descend. Well, I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. I have not had any nausea and so far the aches and flu-like symptoms were only yesterday, and were tolerable. 

Today, I feel almost back to normal.....the new normal that is. 

And I am so thankful for that day and a half of rest. I am thankful once again for the hands that have been outstretched...again and again to our family. I am thankful for God's grace and mercy. I am thankful that today, other than lingering fatigue and reduced stamina, I am out of bed and able to function again. Thank you all for your prayers. Thank you also, for sharing your prayer requests with me. It is my privilege to usher you and your families before God's throne. 

This evening, two of our sons have football games back to back. I am thankful to be able to go. Seth's team is playing in the championship. They are undefeated and play for the league title tonight. It is a big night for them. The game is at a high school stadium, under the lights. If they win, they move onto Regionals. We are all really excited. I hope to have pictures to share tomorrow. 

And so round 5 is behind us! 

Faithy girl keeps asking me, "Mom, when is your hair going to grow back? Are you always going to be bald?" 

I sweetly tell her that around Christmas time, my hair should begin to grow back. 

Her innocent and child-like reply is, "Wow, mom, that is a long time away!" 

Ahh, to be a child again and live in each moment. To her, Christmas is a lifetime away. To me, it is a mere 3 more treatments. Again the reminder that we are to press on in Christ, keeping our eyes on Him and not what lies ahead. To come to Him with a child-like faith....a faith of purity, simplicity, eagerness, trustworthiness, and sincerity. This is what God desires of us. To put aside what we know in our head and follow after Him and love Him with our heart, soul, mind and strength. To respond to Him with unwavering faith. To live in today knowing that He has tomorrow already figured out. 

"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. And He took them (the children) up in His arms, 

laid His hands on them, and blessed them." Mark 10:15,16

What a picture of our Father's love for us. He takes us in His arms, He lays His strong, mighty and gentle hands upon us and He pours out His spiritual blessings. 

May you rest today in His abundant love. 

Much love,
