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Breast Cancer

In April 2010, Stacy Davis found a lump in her right breast later to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. She wrote on a personal blog entitled "His Way, Not Mine" during her diagnosis, treatment, surgery and reconstruction. The blog posts have since been moved to Delighting in the Lord in the hopes of ministering to anyone walking through breast cancer. 

The Small Things

Stacy Davis

(Previously published August 17, 2010)

Last week when I met with my integrative doctor, he put together a protocol of sorts for me to help build my body and immune system while I undergo chemo. There were quite a few things he recommended including some dietary changes. I won't go into all the specifics, other than to say wheat grass was also added to my diet 2x a day. Apparently wheat grasshas amazing benefits for the body and juicing 2 oz. of wheat grass is the equivalent of 2 1/2 lbs of fresh veggies, not to mention what it does for cleansing the blood, building the immune system, and giving your body a ton of vitamins and minerals. 

I had heard of wheat grass before, but do not own a juicer, nor knew how to acquire the amount of wheat grass I would need for 4 oz. a day. I was on a whole new mission. One of my friends helped steer me in the direction of our local whole foods store, where a kind, young man hooked me up with his supplier and each week, I place my order for wheat grass. Thankfully, we have a second fridge in our mudroom (because we have 4 hungry and growing boys who never seem to be full). This is now what sits upon the shelf. And this flat only lasts me about 4-5 days. Yes, I know, it looks like a hunk of sod. 

Last Friday, we picked up our sod, oops I mean wheat grass. You have to laugh, really! And there was a small problem, we didn't have a juicer. There was a juicer that the whole foods store sold, which the kind, gentleman offered to me for $50, but explained that I would probably prefer an electric one considering the amount I would be juicing. We left the store, wheat grass in hand, no juicer.

Over the weekend, I tried to research the best juicer to buy. I read reviews. I searched for the best price and I was becoming a bit overwhelmed first at the cost of these juicers (you need a special kind that juices wheat grass), and second that the sod was sitting in my fridge and I did not want it to go bad while I tried to be frugal. I then handed the researching job over to my husband, who also had a bit of trouble finding one that was affordable and capable. 

Monday came and still no juicing. 

I had to go back to the integrative doctor early Monday morning to get some blood drawn at the office. I figured I would ask there what they recommended and assumed I would just bite the bullet and shell out the money. 

And that is where God swept me off my feet once again. 

I had been praying about the expenses and asking God just to direct me to the right juicer. Maybe that sounds silly, but I think God cares about all things, the big and the small, He created the gnat for goodness sakes. Pretty small! There are so many decisions being made right now, that I have to bring everything before the Lord, lay it all at His feet and wait for Him to lead me. 

Lead He did. 

I had a couple of things to talk to my doctor's office assistant about. She had remembered me from last week, as I had sat in front of her and began crying from the magnitude of the tests he wanted run, the supplements he wanted me to take, the information that was being given to me and $ signs before my eyes. I trusted this doctor, but slowly was becoming overwhelmed as my eyes were leading me in those moments, not my faith. How quickly I can step off track with my eyes. 

Well, we covered the business at hand and then I asked her about a juicer. Thinking that she would recommend the big $ juicer that they sold there, I braced myself for what I thought was the inevitable. I saw it sitting up high on the office shelf. 

As I sat across the desk from her, she looked at me with these tender eyes and a big smile. She got out of her chair while telling me she had something for me. 

There in front of me was placed the exact juicer that the whole foods man wanted to sell me. It was the $50 manual wheat grass juicer. 

She gently explained to me that a gentleman had just returned it the other day. He had used it one time and decided it wasn't for him, so brought it back. The only hitch was, they couldn't get it nicely back into the box. The pieces were all there, including the instruction book, but it couldn't be resold. She looked at me and said, "I want you to have it. I get to choose who receives it, and I want to give it to you today." 

I think my mouth fell on the floor. My heart was overcome with this woman's generosity toward me. I looked at her and just said, "Really?" and I fought back the tears, thanked her profusely and accepted this beautiful gift. 

It may seem small in the whole big picture. But I got in my car with a heart filled once again with praise and awe for my Lord and Savior. 

"Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; 

wait I say, on the Lord." Psalm 27:14

He does care about the small things and He continues to show me His faithfulness. Why do I have to worry about anything, for He has the end to the beginning already covered? He is continually reminding me to rest in Him and wait on His timing for everything. My heart is strengthened once again.

On a different note all together.......

I graduated from my physical therapy appointments today! Hooray!! I don't think I got an A+ in the arm movement department, but enough progress that she thinks I can just continue with the exercises at home and be ok. One less appointment to fit into my schedule each week. 

I got my official chemo start date....Thursday, August 26th. I'll see my medical oncologist on Wednesday and then have my first treatment at Chester County Hospital the next day. There is a part of me that just wants it to get going. The faster it starts, the faster it will be over. I will say, it is a little weird seeing that date listed on my calendar. But trusting the Lord that this date is of no surprise to Him. He has gone before me in all things and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that He will continue to lead me and guide me through this part of the treatment.

Lastly, I go back to the Operating Room tomorrow morning. I would covet your prayers once again for a smooth procedure without complications. I get my port put in for my chemo treatments. This will be the means by which they access my veins so I don't have to be stuck in the arm for each treatment. It should be an in and out operation. I have to be at the hospital by 8:30AM and my procedure is around 10:30. Hopefully I will be home by early afternoon. 

My dad is also here staying with us this week and my children are having a ball with him. I am so thankful he is here and cherish this time spent together. He has jumped right into our daily lives, football and all! He took the kids to Putt Putt today and then out to lunch while I was at an appointment. What precious memories are being created. My heart is so thankful. 

Much love,
