I Pursue You
Stacy Davis
Knowing I like visual reminders, or rather, need them; a dear friend of mine gave me this framed saying this past year.
I Pursue You.
I think we all like to be pursued. We want to be wanted. We want to know others care; that they see us hurting and pursue our hearts pushing past self-protective boundaries and pressing into the brokenness. It was my heart's cry one day as I was walking through some relational fractures and talking to the Lord.
As the Lord always does, He turns things upside down and inside out. He quietly spoke to my heart, "I pursue you." His gentle voice reminding me of His heart. His voice grabbed me in the moment. Yes, His pursuit is enough. I want others to pursue me, but He pursues me on my broken road each and every day if I let Him. His pursuit turns my vision from others to Him.
He pursued Haggar into the barrenness of Beersheba telling her to "fear not."
He pursued Moses into the wilderness meeting him in a burning bush telling him He's heard the cry and seen the oppression. He will deliver His people.
He pursued Saul on the Damascus Road telling him to stop resisting Him. God saved his soul that day, opened Saul's eyes showing him His eternal promises and plans. Saul became God's mighty messenger known as Paul.
I Pursue You. Maybe you need to hear that today. That the God of the universe, your Creator, sees you and will meet you on your broken road when no one else might. He is enough. Even more, when we turn to Him He changes our perspective. He meets our need, but then encourages us to be the pursuer of others in their hurting. Who can you pursue today?