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Weekly Biblical encouragement for women through Delighting in the Lord Ministry. A place to find hope, encouragement and God's truth in the midst of life's hard and difficult. Blog contributors are Stacy Davis, Brenda Harris and Hedy Negron. 


Filtering by Tag: John 3

Born Again - John 3

Brenda Harris

“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe in the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”  John 3:36

In 2005, my Mom gave me two monarch chrysalises she found while on vacation.  They were not exactly the souvenirs I was expecting. I came to realize though that an overused yet beautiful allegory in the Christian faith was about to become a reality in my home.  She told me to put them in a place away from direct sunlight and not to bump them as that would disturb them while they completed their metamorphic process.  I felt the best place for them would be my office since it would give them the optimal environment she had described.  

Each day I went into my office and looked at the green orbs that had traces of gold around them.  They were beautiful works of art and it was hard to imagine a worm was inside. I sincerely hoped they would not hatch in the night because I didn’t want to miss their grand arrival.  Fortunately, that did not happen because my little chrysalis friends gave me plenty of time to prepare. Becoming a butterfly is a very gradual process.  As time passed, the green orbs became more translucent and I started to see the outline of bright orange and black butterflies developing just inside their chrysalis.  It was incredible to watch and I found myself enthralled in their development.  Then one day, the first one hatched.  I called the kids and we watched as the first monarch pushed its way out and spread its wings for the first time.  It was an awesome sight to behold.  We took it outside to release it and I felt happy that my office mate was heading out on its new adventure, no longer a worm but an incredible butterfly with newfound freedom.  

I expected that the other chrysalis would soon follow his friend’s path.  So I continued my hatching vigil day after day.  There were signs that this chrysalis would hatch just the one prior. There were some gentle movements and some pushing but then nothing.  After a month of waiting, I realized that this chrysalis was never going to hatch, it had died.  I was, strangely, so sad.  I had stood by it and watched and waited, even once talking to it when it was struggling and said, “Come on buddy, you can do it!”  But it never was reborn into the butterfly God had intended.  

When I finally put the chrysalis in the trash, the spiritual analogy struck me.  The joy I felt was so intense as I watched the first butterfly finish its transformation. Conversely, I was so disturbed when the second one did not do the same thing.  I desperately wanted him to be free like the first.  If I could have opened the chrysalis, I would have, but as we all know that would not have worked because it had to open its casing on its own. 

So this butterfly story, as I see it, is a representation of the happy and sad reality of John 3:36. We, like the caterpillars, have the opportunity to be born again.  If you have taken that step in faith, praise God for your salvation!  You are a whole new creature and will live eternally.  However, maybe you have not?  Jesus tells us that we must be born again if we want to see the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). If you would like to profess your faith in Jesus Christ, please go to the link under “Delighting In The Lord” and click on “Steps of Salvation.”  There you will find all that you need to start a new life in Christ.

Blessings to you,
With Love,